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At the Chair of Material Handling we develop and research innovative material handling systems and their technical components for the efficient transport of goods. In doing so, we consider the entire life cycle from design to recycling. We are particularly interested in the conveying of bulk goods, i.e. classic bulk materials but also piecewise goods if they are present in large quantities and in an unorganised form.
Therefore, one focus of the chair is on the simulation of bulk materials and conveying systems using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). This allows the precisely analysis and prediction of the particle behavior and the material flow. Another focus is the development of Internet of Things (IoT) applications for material handling. Hence, we are able to record the operating states of standard parts or large system components and hence make predictions e.g. of the remaining service life. Our research work on DEM simulations and IoT creates important prerequisites for an even more efficient and sustainable design of such material handling systems.
Our interdisciplinary training programs combines theoretical principles with practical applications.
In organisational terms, we are part of the Institute for Engineering of Products and Systems (IEPS) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.